
Pure Anti Mould Silicone is a high quality, waterproof, superior anti-mould silicone suitable for most sanitary sealing and areas of high humidity. A fast curing, 100% silicone, Pure Anti Mould Silicone comes with a 10 year guarantee to stop black mould growth*, ensuring the product stays bright and clean. It also comes in 3 popular colours: white, clear and ivory.

Pure Anti Mould Silicone is also resistant to temperature extremes and aging, will not crack or discolour and withstands detergents, cleaning agents and chemicals.

Ideal for:
• Glazing and bonding in shower cabinets during production.
• Filling joints between tiles, tub and shower cabin during installation.
• Filling joints between bath tubs and tiles after production.
• Waterproofing sinks.

99 in stock

SKU: 9221/SILPWH Categories: , Tag:


Description & Uses
Cromar Alpha Chem Pure Anti Mould Silicone is a high quality, waterproof, superior antimould silicone suitable for most sanitary sealing and areas of high humidity. A fast curing,
100% silicone, Pure Anti Mould Silicone comes with a 10 year guarantee to stop black
mould growth*, ensuring the product stays bright and clean.
Pure Anti Mould Silicone is resistant to temperature extremes and aging, will not crack
or discolour and withstands detergents, cleaning agents and chemicals.
Ideal for:
 Glazing and bonding in shower cabinets during production.
 Filling joints between tiles, tub and showers during installation.
 Filling joints between bath tubs and tiles after production.
 Waterproofing sinks.
Available in: White, Clear and Ivory in 310ml cartridges.
 Ensure all surfaces are clean, sound, dry and free from dust. Old silicone should be
removed using a silicone remover.
 Fill any gaps or voids with Alpha Chem Expanding Foam, then trim back to be level
with the edge of the sanitaryware before applying any Pure Anti Mould Silicone.
 When applying to baths, fill half full with water during sealing and while curing.
 Cut thread and then the nozzle to the required size.
 Apply sealant with a sealant gun and tool down with light pressure, within 5 minutes,
using a spatula or wetted gloved finger to ensure bond and preferred finish is
 Excess uncured sealant should be cleaned with solvent. Cured sealant can be
removed mechanically.
 It is the user’s responsibility to dispose of all packaging correctly.

Store in cool, dry conditions between +5°C and +25°C.
Shelf Life
15 months from date of manufacture.
 Releases acetic acid during curing. Therefore, it must not be used on mirrors and sensitive metals
such as copper, brass and lead.
 Not suitable for overpainting.
 Do not use for aquariums.
 Prolonged exposure to direct sunlight must be avoided because of discolouring.
 Not for use on porous surfaces such as stone, concrete, marble or granite.
 Read the label prior to use for health and safety information
Technical Data
Further Information:
In the event of further queries or problems concerning the use of this product, please contact the
address below, e-mail info@cromar.uk.com.
All products should be sold in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. The manufacturer cannot be held responsible
where conditions of use are beyond our control. Cromar Building Products Limited products’ are available for sale in
accordance with Cromar Building Products Limited standard conditions of sale, which is available upon request. Whilst any
information contained herein is to the best of our knowledge true and accurate, no warranty is given or implied in connection
with any recommendations, agents, or distributors, as the conditions of use and any labour involved are beyond our control.
Our warranty is therefore limited to the quality of supplied product.
SG (ASTM D 1045-86) 1.03 ± 0.03 g/cm³
Extrusion (ISO 6927) 200g/min
Tack Free Time (25°C and 50% RH) 10-15 min
Cure Rate (25°C and 50% RH) 3mm / 24hr
Modulus at 100% (ASTM D412) 0.4 Mpa
Tensile Strength (ASTM D412) 1.80 Mpa
Elongation at Break (ASTM D412) 500
Shore A Hardness (ASTM D 53505) 22
Application temperature +5 to +40°C


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