
Web Spray aerosol is a fast drying spray adhesive, suitable for permanently bonding a wide variety of substrates including wood, metals, rubber, most plastics, cardboard, polythene and concrete, as well as decorative laminates. It provides a permanent bond with good temperature resistance.

39 in stock

SKU: 9222/WSA500ML Categories: ,


Description & Uses
AlphaChem Web Spray aerosol is a fast drying, high tack spray adhesive, suitable
for permanently bonding a wide variety of substrates including wood, metals,
rubber, most plastics, cardboard, polythene and concrete, as well as decorative
laminates. It provides a permanent bond with good temperature resistance.
 Use in a well ventilated area.
 Ensure all surfaces are clean, sound, dry and free from dust, grease or other
 Substrates should be conditioned before assembly, this is particularly
important with laminates. Condition for 48 hours at 20°C with a relative
humidity of 45‐55% ‐ air should be able to circulate freely around all
 Hold the aerosol at approximately 70° to the surface and apply a generous
and even coat of adhesive, ensuring 80‐100% coverage, moving the aerosol
parallel to the surface, pay particular attention to the edges.
 On porous surfaces a second coat might be necessary – always apply to
laminate first and spray one surface horizontally and the other vertically.
 When the adhesive is dry to the touch, and does not transfer, it is ready for
 Bring the two surfaces together and apply a uniform pressure, starting in
the middle and working out, pay particular attention to the edges.
 Drying time is 2 minutes under normal conditions, but this will vary with
differing temperatures and humidity’s. High humidity & low temperatures
will slow drying time, and it the temperature gets very low it can produce
bloom. Full cure takes 24 hours.
 Avoid over spraying and pooling of the adhesive as this will increase the
drying time and may cause adhesive to show through the laminate. If the
surfaces are bonded without allowing the adhesive to become dry, solvent
entrapment will occur and this will lead to bond failure.
 It is the user’s responsibility to dispose of all packaging correctly.

Web Spray Aerosol can be removed with most solvent cleaners.

Store between 5 and 25 in clean dry shaded conditions in original unopened containers. Do not
allow the product to freeze.
Shelf Life
12 months when stored as directed.
 Always test a small sample of the materials first to ensure the suitability of the product for the
application. For instance, some vinyl’s contain large amounts of plasticiser which, over time, can
migrate and soften the bond. When in doubt, test first.
 Do not use on flexible PVC or expanded polystyrene.
 It is the user’s responsibility to ensure suitability for use. It is advisable to read the SDS prior to
 Read the label carefully for essential health and safety information prior to use.
Technical Data
Further Information:
In the event of further queries or problems concerning the use of this product, please contact the
address below, e‐mail info@cromar.uk.com.
All products should be sold in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. The manufacturer cannot be held
responsible where conditions of use are beyond our control. Cromar Building Products Limited products’ are available for
sale in accordance with Cromar Building Products Limited standard conditions of sale, which is available upon request.
Whilst any information contained herein is to the best of our knowledge true and accurate, no warranty is given or implied
in connection with any recommendations, agents, or distributors, as the conditions of use and any labour involved are
beyond our control. Our warranty is therefore limited to the quality of supplied product.
Colour Clear
Appearance Liquid
Coverage 2.5 m2 (Typical coat weight of 25gm2
Solids Content 28‐30%
Specific Gravity ~1.2


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